Friday, May 6, 2011

Bride to be checklist


Sekarang dah masuk bulan 5,dah hari ke 6..maksudnye 28-6=22 days more before our wedding day!!! dupdap2..ok tipu..tak dupdap2 lagi sekarang haha tp mood kahwin still terase,even b4 bertunang lg dah terasa hehe

ok2,tanpa membuang masa my checklist Photobucket.lagi 3minggu nak kenduri baru kalut nak checklist bagai T__T

©Kursus kahwin (DONE)
©HIV test (DONE)
©Borang nikah L & P (DONE)
©Tok kadi + saksi (DONE)
©Nikah outfit (DONE)
©Baju kawen + accessories (BOOKED)
©Baju tandang + accessories (BOOKED)
©Makeup for nikah and kenduri (BOOKED)
©Hand flower (DONE)
©Kasut nikah..still in progress (confuse nak pakai kasut hantaran or beli yg baru, baju nikah grey colour but kasut hantaran white colour huhu how how how??
©Photographer (BOOKED) mahal siot package yg aku dah book,HOPE berbaloi-baloi la dengan duit yg dilaburkan huhu 
©Invitation card (DONE) tp belum distribute huhu
©Kompang and marhaban (BOOKED)
©Wedding arch (BOOKED)
©Wedding banner..not yet T__T
©House direction
©Wedding cake (DONE)
©Decoration bilik pengantin
©Langsir (DONE)
©Cadar (DONE)
©Outfit for family (DONE)
©Goodies bag (DONE)
©Bunga telur (DONE)

©   ok..macam dah banyak yg setel.. legaaa hehe
        till then..



Wednesday, March 23, 2011



FUHHHHH akhirnya berjaya jugak aku nak create 1 blog..selama ni asyik blog walking blog orang je huhu 

HYE!!! Actually macam best je bila baca blog orang..teringin nak ada satu and tadaaa i already owned mine hehe

harini my youngest brother punya besday,sweet-7th..he is our beloved one especially my mum la huhu
tomei tak caye??? he he he

time ni umur Uman baru berapa bulan ntah,tenyum senget-senget..pantang tengok orang pegang cam dia dah start posing dulu..









sangat suka main teddy bear..

PEACE to MJ hikhik


permata hati kami sekeluarga..






